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Course Schedule

CUNY Academic Calendar

August 28 First Day of classes
September 2 College Closed/ No Classes
October 2 – 4 No Classes
October 11 – 12 No Classes
October 14 College Closed/ No Classes
October 15 Conversion Day – Monday
November 27 Conversion Day – Friday
November 28 – December 1 No Classes
November 28 – 29 College Closed/ No Classes
December 14 Last Day of Classes
December 15 – 21 Final Exams
December 24 – 25 College Closed/ No Classes
December 27 Final Grades Due
December 28 Grades are posted
December 31 College Closed

Weekly Schedule

Week 1


Intro. Who are we, and why are we here? Course description;
Interview exercise, Introduction to Illustrator
Week 1: Resources and Assignments


Introduction to Abstraction, Rhythm, Repetition in Visual Culture

Ctrl+Paint. Principles of Design: Rhythm & Repetition, 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9umdxKHuoQ.Principles of Design: Rhythm & Repetition 


Betts, Andy. “How to Vectorize an Image in Adobe Illustrator.” MUO, December 5, 2019. https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/convert-image-vector-illustrator/.


tabitha denholm. E A T  Experiments in Art and Technology // Red Bull, 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6py4N_Tcxc.- E A T Experiments in Art and Technology // Red Bull

Discussion of materials’ costs, workload, attendance requirements,  Request email addresses, phone numbers and prior media experience; Discuss the autobiographical or diary form.

AssignmentUse Illustrator to transform your favorite artworks you find on the internet into illustrator files.– research album artwork, from the 1960’s, 70’s, 80’s and compare it to albums from the 90’s, 2000’s to the present. Bring examples of your favorite album artwork to the next class as Jpeg Files.

Week 2 


Adobe Illustrator: Part 1
Week 2: Resources and Assignments

Assignment: Use Illustrator to Create a  Concert Flyer, for an Album Release Party. 

Create the ‘band or artist name, Their style (Hip Hop, Goth, Rock n Roll, Punk, Techno, etc), and a logo for their Artist Name. plus the name of the ‘club’ the event is at. In Illustrator we will address layout and typography, and illustration and about how vectors and Bezier points work.

Resource: “3 Quick & Easy Ways to Curve Lines in Adobe Illustrator,” March 4, 2024. https://illustratorhow.com/how-to-curve-line/.

Week 3


Adobe Illustrator: Part 2. Introduction to Photoshop.
Week 3: Resources and Assignments

Assignment: Create the Artwork for the Album 

Bring to class 10 photographs from your family archive. They can be photos of your parents, grandparents, the places they were born, where you grew up, family gatherings, holiday events, birthday’s and things of this ilk. Bring family archive images to class + be prepared to discuss the reading.

In class, we will work on retouching of images, + making new images using a filter for each of the ten using Photoshop. Finally, we will create an animated Gif using the 20 images. 


Nathan, Patrick. “When You See It.” In Image Control on GIFs, the Sublime, and Vocabularies of Motion. Bookforum. Berkeley, CA: Counterpoint, 2021. https://www.bookforum.com/culture/an-excerpt-from-image-control-24592.

Review the basics of retouching photographs with these official Adobe tutorials.

“Apply Filters.” Accessed August 29, 2024. https://creativecloud.adobe.com/learn/photoshop/web/applying-filters-basics.

“Get to Know Photoshop.” Accessed August 29, 2024. https://creativecloud.adobe.com/learn/photoshop/web/ps-basics-fundamentals.

“Work with Layers.” Accessed August 29, 2024. https://creativecloud.adobe.com/learn/photoshop/web/ps-layers-basics.

“How to Make a GIF in Photoshop – Adobe.” Accessed August 29, 2024. https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/photography/discover/make-a-gif.html.

Due Week 4: Assignment – Photograph the Sunset: 

Take 10 photographs of the sunset with your phone; 5 vertical/5 horizontal

photograph the sunset with various perspectives; zoom in close to the sun,  focus on the light reflected in another object.

be creative! (don’t just shoot the same picture ten times)

Project Development for Zine Project – Instructions by Email, due Week 7

Go to:

Raven Chacon: A Worm’s Eye View from a Bird’s Beak | Swiss Institute

  • Swiss Institute (SI)
  • 38 St Marks Pl, New York, NY 10003
  • Tel 212.925.2035 | info@swissinstitute.net
  • Mailing Address: 117 2nd Ave, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10003
  • Wed/ Thurs/ Fri 2-8pm
  • Sat 12-8pm
  • Sun 12-6pm

Admission is always free. 

Week 4 

Adobe Photoshop : Part 1
Week 4: Resources and Assignments


Patterson, Steve. “Warm Golden Sunsets With Gradient Maps In Photoshop.” Photoshop Essentials (blog), October 1, 2012. https://www.photoshopessentials.com/photo-effects/photoshop-sunset/.

Assignment: Bring sunset images to class to work on the computer, with Adobe Photoshop.

  • Using Photoshop, edit the images, adjust for contrast, color correction, saturation, opacity, gradient map.  (edit all 10 images)
  • Use Adobe Illustrator to create a MEME (make 3) (think about the text for the MEME, what message are you trying to convey ; funny, political, emotional.

Week 5 


Part 1: In Class Zine Assignment Project Using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign

Week 6  


Part 2: In Class Zine Assignment Project Using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign

Week 7 


Zine Assignment Due – Class Critique and Presentation

Week 8 


Editing demonstration: aesthetics in digital editing. Introduction to Adobe Premiere
Week 8: Resources and Assignments

In-class assignment using Adobe Premiere Found Media Due Week 10

‘Found Media’: Using only material found on the internet, create a video artwork that combines your Family Gifs with Found Footage that pertains to your Gif artwork and family history/narrative.

Week 9  


All about SOUND: Introduction to the Roland Web Music Studio and Editing Audio in Premiere
Week 9: Resources and Assignments 



Assignment: Journey into Sound

Using the Roland 50 Studio, produce a 3-minute audio collage as soundtrack for your Found Media Video Artwork. 

Week 10 


Class Presentation and Critique of Found Media Video Artwork. Screening of Video Art and Video Essays

Week 11 


Final Project Assignment
Week 11: Resources and Assignments

Given ‘Image is a Seed; Student Addition’

Image is a Seed ; Student Addition teaches students to create media that is social activism. Social activism, rooted in narrative and primary source stories that help engage greater political and social movements through creating community. 

In Class – Select Images from Syeus Mottel Archive to manipulate in Dall-E and in Photoshop/Illustrator.

Week 12 


Mixamo for Final Project
Week 12: Resources and Assignments

Use Mixamo to develop an animated character for integration in your final project

Work Day in Class on Final Project, using Adobe Premiere, Illustrator, and Photoshop

Week 13 


Work Day in Class on Final Project

Week 14 


Work Day in Class on Final Project

Week 15


Presentation and critique of Final Project: Portfolio!